Papa Anzóis

Pack of 5 cans - Horse Mackerel with Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Papa Anzóis)

€24,75 EUR
Papa Anzóis

Pack of 5 cans - Horse Mackerel with Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Papa Anzóis)

€24,75 EUR

Pack of 5 cans Papa Anzóis Horse mackerel with Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (120gr)

Ingredients : Horse mackerel (70%) , Extra Virgin Olive Oil * (30%), Salt.

Allergens: Horse mackerel

Expiration date: 4 years

* Product from Organic farming Certiplanet - PT-BIO-04 

** Stöcker in Extra Nativem Biologischem Olivenöil

** Horsmakreel in Extra Vierge Biologische Olijfolie

Only 34 units of this product remain

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